Monday 14 March 2016

Digna Love - How to Develop Self-discipline

Digna Love has three children ages 20, 7 and 8 months. She has raised them to be helpful, honest, hardworking, intelligent, open minded and loving. She also wants to teach them the importance of self-discipline. People make unhealthy life choices that put their lives in danger or make their lives difficult because they lack self-discipline. Self-discipline involves sacrificing the thrill and pleasure of the moment for what matters most in life. Digna Love is a holistic healer and the owner of Love and Sunshine. She has been practicing channeling and meditation for so many years, and she is proud of the progress she has made. She knows that self-discipline is a skill that you can improve. She is aware that, self-discipline is a learned skill and not an innate character. Great athletes, high achievers and highly successful business leaders attain great heights in life through self-discipline. Without self-discipline, you cannot achieve your dreams in life. Therefore, it is important to develop your self-discipline in order to live a happy and fulfilled life. The most effective way to improve your self-discipline is through intentional and dedicated practice.

Digna Love
Here are things that you need to consider in order to improve your self-discipline: 

1.  Acknowledge your weaknesses

The first step to developing your self-discipline is to acknowledge your weaknesses. Oftentimes, we lie to ourselves that our weaknesses don’t exist or try to minimize the negative impact that bad habits have on our lives. It is only when you acknowledge your weaknesses that you can identify how to improve your self-discipline and get rid of those bad habits.

2.  Develop a clear plan

Self-discipline does not come freely; you need a good strategy and well defined goals. Whether you want to develop good habits – like exercising more often, or you want to eliminate bad habits – like smoking, you need to develop a clear plan to outline the actions that will help you to reach your goals

3.  Remove temptation

Oftentimes, we fail because we like to believe that we have enough self-discipline to resist even the most alluring temptation. It is safe to remove the temptations from your life whenever possible. For example, if you eat too much junk food, keep them away from your home

4.  Have enough rest

Make sure you get enough rest.  Research has shown that the ability to maintain focus on tasks suffers due to lack of sleep.

5.  Meditate more often

Meditating regularly has shown to reduce stress, strengthen self-discipline and help to control the mind.

6.  Make use of self-affirmations

Positive self-affirmations are extremely beneficial. When you find yourself being tempted, talk to yourself, encourage yourself and reassure yourself.

Self-discipline brings freedom. People who lack self-discipline are slaves to moods, appetites and passions. It is not enough to simply write out your goals and values. You must make an internal commitment to them.

Digna Love was born and raised on a beautiful Caribbean island called St. Lucia. She is passionate about self-discipline and personal development. She is a holistic healer and she has been practicing channeling and meditation for many years.